====================================================================== IN TRIBUTE TO DUKE! (is there going to be a part II?) Title : JABS.MAP (JAB's Place) Author : Jose Antonio Baptista E-mail : l42455@alfa.ist.utl.pt Web Page : http://alfa.ist.utl.pt/~l42455 Description : I based the level on my house and lots of amo, for a total destruction level! It's splited in three parts: 1. Home Sweet Home 2. Duke's Glorification Arena 3. WaterWorld of Babes My bed room is the first one on the right, so don't touch it! (yeah... sure!... >:> ). My babes on the living room don't like guns, so try not to hit them or you'll be sorry if playing alone. It started as a DeathMatch level so, it's not so fun to play alone, but it's great to kick-some-ass in anger! Hidded (and protected...) the nukebutton a little bit, but u'll find it easy. Additional Credits to : Luis Toscano [SmaShinG] (smashing@esoterica.pt) for the extensive hours of continuos game-play and bill-pay, while we where supposed to be studying for exams. ;P Hours that made Duke come part of the family... And for all the net-wares and tips he gave me. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1L1 Single Player : Some Big-Ugly-Mean-MotherFuckers! (and a dukebutton that ends up in the amazing, Bill-Gates-look-alike, DOS prompt) DukeMatch Level : Of Course! 2-4 players recommended! To small for more ppl but has 8 start spots! Made thinking in one thing only - jumping flesh! (for does of u that think there is too much amo!) Difficulty Settings : None. New Art : None. New Music : None. New Sound Effects : None. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : BUILD what else? Known Bugs : None found! (pls report any) * Where to get this MAP file * From the same exact place where you got this file :P Or in case of break-ups mail me! * Copyright/Permission * Do what ever you want with it! What else could i say? If you care, send me the level with the changes you made, or just send me your comment. If you don't care, fuck off! And go suck your rockets! * Tips * Try sending a rocket from the place you start the level in single mode to the warning sign and then teleport to the arena. =========================================================================== [this msg will self-format the hard-disk in 5 seconds...]